Collection / Carpet

States of Water

Behind the Collection

States of Water

Color, texture and form.

Inspired by imagery of water in solid, liquid and vapor forms, this 24” x 24” carpet tile collection features a sweeping gradient and nature-inspired visuals. Available in three styles that range from small scale patterning, States of Water is offered in a range of 11 colorways. Having grown up an avid water enthusiast, the product designer began studying images of water in its three forms, observing how the depth and movement of water create color in interesting ways. 

Depth and movement.

Inspired to then experiment with color and pattern, the team sought to recreate the movement seen in the images through patterning and a gentle shift across the floor. Working closely with manufacturing, varying sample and color combinations were produced to replicate the movement seen within the imagery to produce a soft surface format. The collection’s three styles blend different yarns that run across the width of the pattern, creating a unique color shift designed to emulate the depth, motion and dimension seen in the various forms of water.

Designed to transform space.

“Water in its various states creates color in interesting ways. Studying the water’s motion in various images - the depth and color shifts - our design team worked with manufacturing to recreate the movement in a gentle shift across the floor.”

— Ashley Weaver, Product Designer

Inspiration & Specs

View the lookbook
States of Water by Patcraft

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